Manufacturing and testing a clinical-grade AAV vector: from concept to clinic
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Manufacturing and testing a clinical-grade AAV vector: from concept to clinic

Thursday 08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST
Manufacturing and testing a clinical-grade AAV vector: from concept to clinic

AP-4 is a hereditary spastic paraplegia which is caused by one of four specific genetic mutations. Collectively known as AP-4 deficiency syndrome, this rare genetic disorder causes a range of neural and muscular developmental disabilities. Given the rarity of AP-4 HSP, it is not well-studied, and there are no established treatments. However, due to the nature of the genetic mutations that cause AP-4, this disease may be amenable to a gene therapy-based approach.

In this webinar, the father of an AP-4 patient will describe his journey to find a cure for this disease. Starting with a search for more information in the scientific literature, over the course of several years, a team of scientists, physicians, and CDMOs was assembled to develop a plan for manufacturing and testing a clinical-grade AAV vector.

This webinar will provide an overview of a pathway from “concept to clinic” for a gene therapy product, using an AAV for AP-4 as a model system. It will include a description of how AAV vectors, using plasmids as a critical starting reagent, are developed and manufactured.

View this webinar for insights into:

  • A parent's journey to find a cure for AP-4
  • A successful early drug discovery strategy for a little-studied, rare genetic disorder
  • Gene therapy drug development for AP-4
  • Optimizing plasmids and viral vectors for accelerated gene therapy development
Chris Edwards
Chris Edwards
Parent, Co-founder & President, Cure AP-4 Inc.
James Cody
James Cody
Associate Director Technical Sales and Evaluations, Charles River Laboratories


Chris Edwards
Chris Edwards
Parent, Co-founder & President, Cure AP-4 Inc.
James Cody
James Cody
Associate Director Technical Sales and Evaluations, Charles River Laboratories