Breaking barriers in viral vector titer analysis speed, volume, and data quality
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Breaking barriers in viral vector titer analysis speed, volume, and data quality

Wednesday 08:00 PST / 11:00 EST / 16:00 GMT / 17:00 CET
Breaking barriers in viral vector titer analysis speed, volume, and data quality

The recent regulatory approvals of adeno-associated viral (AAV) and lentiviral (LV) vector-based gene therapies, along with the expanding clinical pipeline for new cell and gene therapies, has created backlogs in manufacturing production. 

Immunoassays are commonly used for bioanalysis during vector manufacturing and bioprocess development for titer and empty/full capsid ratios, critical quality attributes (CQAs) for process characterization, and process impurity analysis (also a regulatory requirement related to product safety). Traditional plate-based methods for these analytical characterization steps have numerous drawbacks including long incubation times, narrow dynamic ranges, and multiple manual manipulations, creating workflow bottlenecks in bioanalysis. 

Immunoassays have consequently been identified as a target for improvements in analysis speed, accuracy, and sample volume consumption to speed up bioprocess development and manufacturing times, and conserve precious batch samples. In this webinar, we will discuss how advances in bioanalytical assays and technologies have improved immunoassay performance, closing the gap in assay drawbacks for cell and gene therapy manufacturing. Examples from Gyrolab® microfluidic, CD-based immunoassay platform will be presented demonstrating AAV titer, LV titer, and bioprocessing HEK 293 host cell protein impurity analysis improvements.

Through this webinar, attendees will learn about: 

  • Bioanalytical bottlenecks in viral vector manufacturing and bioprocessing
  • Impact of increased regulatory demands, long assay times and large sample consumption on vector characterization
  • Strategies for addressing immunoassay speed, accuracy, and sample volumes
  • Performance of microfluidic-based immunoassays for LV and AAV titer and impurity analysis

Rob Durham PhD
Rob Durham PhD
Director of Service and Scientific Support, Gyros Protein Technologies
Johannes Stanta PhD
Johannes Stanta PhD
Director of Bioanalysis, Freeline Therapeutics
Katherine Hanson PhD
Katherine Hanson PhD
Lab Manager, PPD Laboratories
Judith Greengard PhD RAC
Judith Greengard PhD RAC
Senior Scientific Fellow, Exploratory Analytical Development and Validation, Adverum Biotechnologies, Inc.


Rob Durham PhD
Rob Durham PhD
Director of Service and Scientific Support, Gyros Protein Technologies
Johannes Stanta PhD
Johannes Stanta PhD
Director of Bioanalysis, Freeline Therapeutics
Katherine Hanson PhD
Katherine Hanson PhD
Lab Manager, PPD Laboratories
Judith Greengard PhD RAC
Judith Greengard PhD RAC
Senior Scientific Fellow, Exploratory Analytical Development and Validation, Adverum Biotechnologies, Inc.