Starting material collection & optimization

Pandemic-related trends and challenges in adult donor stem cell and cord blood collection, banking, and processing

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights 2021; 7(12), 1787–1793


Published: 11 January 2022
Heidi Elmoazzen, PhD

Heidi Elmoazzen is currently the director of Canadian Blood Services’ Stem Cell Program which includes Canadian Blood Services’ Cord Blood Bank, Stem Cell Registry, Stem Cell Manufacturing programs and Cord Blood for Research Program. She has been with Canadian Blood Services for 10 years. Dr Elmoazzen obtained her PhD in Medical Sciences from the University of Alberta with a concentration in cryobiology. She then went on to do a post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, USA. Following her fellowship, she became an instructor at Harvard Medical School and an Assistant in Bio-engineering in the Department of Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Her area of research was focused on fertility preservation and developing novel biopreservation techniques for stem cells and reproductive cells. Her main areas of expertise and experience include bio-preservation, stem cell banking and translational medicine. She has published two book chapters on stem cell preservation as well as over 50 journal papers. She has hundreds of contributed and invited presentations at various national and international meetings.